William Penn 1963


Frank H. Moore
aka Frank

After graduation from William Penn, I attended the University of Delaware and majored in Spanish. I was in the R.O.T.C. program and, upon graduation in 1967, I was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the in the U.S. Army. I spent most of my service obligation as officer in charge of many Signal Corps capabilities in the Panama Canal Zone.

In 1970 I began my career with the Department of Defense at Ft. Meade, Maryland. In 1972, I married Judi Blake of Cloquet, Minnesota, who was teaching elementary school in Baltimore. We had our first son, Sean, in 1973 and our second son, Blake, in 1977.

In 1980 we were sent to a base in Germany where I headed the telecommunications organization. We took the opportunity to see most of Western Europe before returning to Maryland in 1983. In 1997 we returned to Germany and were able to continue our travels, including seeing most Eastern countries that were closed to us when we lived in Europe the first time.

In 2002 we were fortunate enough to be sent to Hawaii to work. It was a great place, but when our first grandchild was expected in Maryland it was time to return home. I finally retired last year and Judi and I are enjoying our three grandchildren as well as continuing our travels. I'm also enjoying working as a volunteer at the Annapolis Visitors' Center. I have always had an interest in history and I like to use my language skills to help foreign tourists appreciate Annapolis.

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