William Penn 1963
Robert Bley
aka Bob
In recent weeks, Bob has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. After meeting with an oncologist and a surgeon, it has been
determined that Bob will undergo an aggressive regimen of chemotherapy to shrink the tumor, after which he will be re-evaluated for the
possibility of surgery.
We have felt God's hand on us since the beginning and know that He will continue to guide, uphold and strengthen us each step of the
way. He has already flooded us with that incredible "peace that passes understanding". We know that some of that is due to so many of
you praying for us and with us and we are so grateful.
We are hoping that this site is a blessing that helps you keep up with the latest information. I (Kathy) love to share what God is teaching
me in situations like this, so may be sharing things that we are learning along the way. I will try to put the medical details first for those
of you who would prefer the short version :).
Of course, we never journey alone in things like this so we would appreciate prayers for all of our family and friends who are striving
along with us. We hope that we can be an encouragement to you as we all encourage one another.
God bless, Bob and Kathy
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